Saturday, June 11, 2005

a blog.

grace was telling me how she didnt have a blog. that it was only fun if many people were participating or reading it. how true. for her, she prefers to talk to people about her stuff. for me. blogging would suffice. im too afraid of people "reading" my emotion and innermost thoughts when im confiding or just simply vomitting the recent thoughts which visit my mind.
without this outlet, i will lose a form of expression which i can desperately use in "low" times.
will post a few pics from my hongkong trip as you'd have probably already seen as u scroll down to this post.

whats desperately defeats me is how can someone visit my blog 59 times consecutively and not post ANYTHING. this person is demented and definitely abit off its rocker.

speaking of demented. i saw steven lim the eyebrow plucker from tang the DUDE. lemme give him some publicity here yea. on some harmless chinese variety show meant to bring entertainment to the masses on ch 8, he was so absolutely disgusting, he made fann wong cry. apple hong(i think thats her) squirm, and mark lee walk off his own show. it was so bad, it was funny. i hope the dude realises that by stripping on national tv, people view him more of a william hung than a jim carrey. thanks, for the laugh.



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