Monday, July 23, 2007

a good day. whoopee!

started of with cage soccer. always fun and good workout.
then coaching the lasers with the national team.
sailing abit with them always gets me pumped.

then mahjong omg.
i won 42 bucks from mahjong.
thats a lot considering we only played 20/40.
and i havent been playing alot. it was really good though i felt bad for toh and chin cos they lost quite a fair bit. i was thinking when they win olympic medal they sure wont treat me. so it was like zhen and chin have a 1/3 chance each of going to beijing olympics, and toh is still trying to qualify.
and i think its damn cool.

oh yeah and van lim is on the cover of fhm for august 2007. so i bought the mag and so happened she came down to simpang for supper with us. she was kinda tipsy so i just read the magazine with her sprawled there half naked whilst the real person sat across the table from me. apparently very intoxicated. it was absolutely amusing. and funny. i rather see her in the magazine than in the flesh.
i love random shit.

so yeah. now its late and im tired and going to bed.
with the nice rainy weather cooling things down.
its a pleasure to lie in bed and breathe the fresh air.


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