2 weeks have past since ive been here.
bit by bit time has past. and loneliness is slow turning into pensiveness.
and that has also morphed into clarity. so compartmentalising this 6 month period im away.
there are going to be a few take aways. im definitely certain it wont be enough to cure my ennui.
but least i know my life will have taken a step in the right direction. tough decisions nonetheless. but it has to start. and then i'd have more credibility when i say world leaders need to make tough decisions
im sure they'll be clubbing and all that shit. but there has to be more. and more there will be. for a start. im going to break the company record for the JP morgan run. god knows what the timing is, but im gonna break it. the current record holder is a girl. but according due respect im starting training now. cos the runs in may. all the best to me.
i've just recovered from a 2 day fever and sore neck/shoulders from dehydration and too much cold air at night in hotel rooms. so pray i dont fall ill again and a sub 25 5.6 km is the goal. army-ish times and will require army-ish discipline.
i will succeed with singaporean-ish fervour in multi-tasking partying/training.
for a start.
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