somethings on fire.
whats up people?. its yet another day.
to those in NS. sian half gotta do saikang.
for those in school. sucks gotta go class and do homework.
for those in camp. your SMUrf camp ends today. song boh.
can intro me the girls u guys made over the past three days.
altho u guys confirm say "no pretty girls"
then your fingers all furiously smsing that cute girl u covertly admire.
wahahha whats new. BOYS WILL BE BOYS.
and for those without any activity. we just do shit.
my abs hurt like shit from doing motherfuckers in the gym yday.
"its called motherfucker cos once you're done the only word you know is MOTHERFUCKER"
sorry for the rudeness. when u do the exercise, the brain kinda goes dead.
felt okay at first. but when i realise i could sit up from a lying down position , i felt sth wrong.
this morning i couldnt sit up. i had to roll up from bed.
hoping my shoulder recovers soon. so i can do more variety of exercises.
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