the amazingest -ar-dm match every played.
the opposition ah beng team at the lan shop ran out of heroes after we raped them in excess of thirty times. so we won cos they had no more heroes to come out. lol!
i kept getting heroes im not particularly good at. lich, ursa warrior, nerubian weaver, terrorblade. then eventually i ended up with the good ole fletcher cos he cant die so easily. destroyed one tower, and with lots help from the gang, sent the naix travex and omniknight back to the base where they cudnt spawn.
add tt to the previous 2v2 game me and ian won, where my 40 armour necrolyte took awhile to realise the sniper with aegis and divine rapier was shooting me, turn around to hex and waste one of his ankhs, woot. it was fun sia.
had to leave early cos mom was nagging and i has sch today. came home and checked, i didnt! ccb right. haha. anyway it was good playing with shaun after a long long while. and jh still has this inherance to chronosphere me no matter what the circumstance. anyway, tmr is hols. wed is my free day, so technically sch starts on thursday, u tell me song or not?
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