Sunday, July 30, 2006

the underdogs.

v interesting.
im listening to my friends sining on my itunes. next to chamillionaire and all.
if you're that friend. please send me more. busy as you are.

played dota abit more since the guys are back. and we got two new regulars with us manchi and poh. yday was a really funny day. the techie the enigma and the banana-me. managed to win a late game fight. totally surprised cos im the only late gamer and my melee heroes stink. zo's techie was pro. mark and his unorthodox enigma was pro too. was confirm gonna lose against an axe, silencer and syllabear. but with some luck we won. i dunno how also. think everybody fuck care already.
another game where me manchi zg and jh were up against greg shaun ian poh and mark.4v5. and we won. quite amazing.

i think its when you dont expect to win, you do better. and luck also does better for you.

learning to be less competitive.

im such an idiot. taking lessons out of DOTA.


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