i saw someones dick today while he was peeing. the image is haunting me now. damn bad.
esp when everything was on view. fuck man i think i shortened my lifespan by 5 years.
i didnt purposely go look okay.
and bad luck. its affinity with me continues. was totally winning money at mahjong
then i bao everyone because i za hu. okay sorry for those who dont play. but basically i gave ten bucks away. u tell me sian or not.
least things are rather extreme around here.
i got fried fish instead of fresh fish for lunch. thankfully it tasted better.
then i had to eat lunch ALONE cos obviously sue ann wanted to eat with gary more than me.
then i found hair in my noodles.
seriously lah.
sophie came in late for seminar and she sat herself next to me cos there was no other seats.
shes so shy. i thought swedish people should be pretty umm.. talkative and chatty. wished she'd least strike up a conversation about anything. stupid boring second half of leadership seminar.
i think that intellectually the tutor is competent but he goes way too slow. great for the slower people to ask questions but a total bore.
i got sick of raising my hand in class wtf.
bumped into yuping for the first time this sem. 3rd week already. i think i walk around with my head in my pocket or smth. she reminds me of liwen and nicole. duh. wonder if she'd be friendly.
the last two paragraphs were clearly about good things.
James Ang. the lecturer who cant lecture. knows jackshit.
and says things like "i'll post a note on all the mistakes in the lecture notes on ivle"
i feel like throwing a pen at him. erwin wants to stab him. -prod. "urrghh". die. yay!
the girl next to me whom i dont know, started a mini discussion with me about OM to figure out what he was saying. to my credit she said i could explain the concepts better than him.
i paid $50 bucks to attend the lecture goddamit. its $25 for every hour of class time here in NUS.
everything is just either damn good, or damn fucked up.
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