Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Going back to the past

I've clearly moved on to another stage in my life. One which I never thought Id arrive at, much less enjoy.

In the past week, I represented Singapore again. After a 12 year hiatus. That was really an amazing feeling. Racing boats wasnt new. We've won 3 races in a row since the team got together, 2 in Thailand and 1 in Singapore. Crowning moment was the Coronation's Cup where we beat the Japs and a couple of Thai angmohs. Being the most level-headed on the boat also meant that I was also grossly out-dated, sailing-wise. My skills mainly lie tactically, but I was having so much trouble being at the level required technically, I was almost completely useless. Sad but humbly true. My reflexes and spacial awareness failed spectacularly at times, and sometimes I think I was lucky not to have pulled the team to anything less than the success we've achieved.

The number of times I was screamed at on the boat is countless. Truth be told I didnt enjoy it. My team mates are/were emotional and irrational, and they took it out on the weakest member of the team. That said, I didnt say I didnt put myself on the boat in the first place.

What I've gathered from the past 3 months of sailing with Team Send it Sideways is clear.
1) i love sailing/racing and no amount of discomfort(40deg weathers) will change that
2) i love it enough to know the difference between the heat of the moment and personal attacks
3) my way isnt the only way, and vice versa
and last but not least
4) there's always more to learn about the main trimmer's job.

We didnt win the final, but it was one hell of a run boys. Maxi, Andrew, Justin, Ivan.


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