Tuesday, April 03, 2007

our temporary existence

perhaps life is life.
and society affects our view of what life is.

"an enemy hero has fallen"
is what u'd hear when in the game.
a societal tool which dims our perceptions of death.

i know im getting older, people around me have fallen.
and they will continue to fall around me.
when people my age fall, it gets a lil worrying.

i guess things happen for a reason.
so amidst the fun and games.
amidst the need to win and achieve.
lets not forget that Maslows needs hierachy begins with basic needs first before self-actualization.
because it would be a pity, if in the pursuit of self-actualization, we forget our basic needs. not food water or shelter.

but rather morals, values and friendship.

as i hear about queks loss, i remember my friend seng.
and i see two different people, but with the same year of birth.


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