Sunday, January 27, 2008

Closure of national sailing centre.

happy birthday to weechin.
his birthday was a blast. held at a very nostalgic place, csc.
party made complete by drunk men and very dicey moments.

the night before that, me maxi chin and charis played mj at chins place.
hai di lao yue(picking a tile from the bottom of the sea) twice. and it was the same tile. ended the game when i hu 6 tai and i got the same tile to win it. luck is a very funny thing.

right now i'm forcibly closing a few chapters in my life. there's a bleeding pain in my heart. and this pain is becoming excruciatingly unbearable. today, i took refuge in my books. i dont think its a very healthy thing to do. i wonder how many people actually do this. i want something better for myself. and my cousin's msn nic aptly put it. "pain is weakness leaving the body" is kinda true. not that i wanna be more strong and independent. but with one, was like having the same weakness adam had. and the other is the same weakness icarus had.

its like im a candle which has burnt out. the end. and that hurts as much as losing someone to death. the morbid knowledge that nothing can be done to bring him back to life. the bottomless stony pit which we meet when we come to terms with the loss of someone. we might've had an awesome life. i did give it my all. but at the end of the day, the result isnt any different. we shall mourn that, shant we?


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