Sunday, September 16, 2007

small margins.

hi again.

few things to say.
my fragmented mind will spew a fragmented post today.
extreme physical tiredness and post-sleep me is still gonna get through this blog post.

first up. congrats to markseow. my man.

happy birthday on tuesday to carolyn goh, deniselim and chan yong ann.

calvin my kr buddy. thanks for the awesome tennis game. playing mirror tennis should be up on my list of favourite activities.

zhiguang for organising badminton +ppgou, causing me to pull right hamstring and my right shoulder. it was fun! in the most competitive way. followed by a good relaxing/fun chat in the pool and AMK hub. dont know where the hell he bring us.

my folks are back. im not talking to sis, im talking much more to her bf, and a spattering of words with my dad. they kinda waited for me to wake up instead of proceeding with dinner
so i reckon somebody wants to talk.

went to vivo with rachel for lunch after class on saturday. i think i like her company just as much as she likes mine. i had a blast, err. just talking. i tell everyone everything. im mr fulldiscolosure. even if its embarassing or offending.

i got a blog post from one of my older friends dating back to jc. since im anonymous, she shall remain anon on mine too. anyway, she's turning out to be a much better person than i expected. to be honest. in terms of everything. so im totally glad for her. perhaps when we were having dinner and desserts and between words, i did ask myself which part of her would i not want to date. i found none, but strangely i visualised us together and still see the same problem i did when we were going out few years ago. the "idunno" problem. i dont see anything wrong, she didnt do anything wrong. and im still clueless. nonetheless, i'm happy for her new life.

tennis, badminton, gym, soccer. i should not play too many games from now. im seriously hitting another peak of physical fitness. someone should make me study harder. next few weeks are KEY. dont sweat the small stuff. i'm seriously reborn i tell you. have a good week people. looking forward to the term break.

shoutouts to ling, sueann, ianbaey, mandy and liwen.


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