Wednesday, January 19, 2005


amazing!.. this thought popped into my head whilst talking to rachel
thanks alot...

what happens when u break up with someone, do u still remain friends?
many a time, u feel like "no, its just too weird" or "i tried, but its really hard"
but actually, you still are!...why?. cos you both still think about the other person pretty often. and care about the person in some way. just cause u spend less time and minus the sweet words doesnt mean there's no friendship left right?.
no communication doesnt mean no friendship. cos there's still lotsa care and concern left. thats something u cant deprive.
unless, of course the breakup was ugly and messy.

we get along just fine.
yep, lastly, dont ever deprive your chance at love, just as not to lose the friendship.
cos u never ever do.
similarly, dont suffer if you dont love the person anymore, just to keep the friendship.


Blogger jen said...

it's hard to remain frens after breaking up.. just dunno wad to say to the other person animore.. yah it's true that u still care for that person.. but i guess acquintainces would be the best way out.. :P

12:48 AM  
Blogger cai said...

true, it really depends on your definitions. acquaintance in your sense would mean friends to me.
acquantaince to me sorta means like, u acknowledge each others existence, but dont really put in the effort to know each other better. past the first meaningful incisive conversation, its friends already!
even if it seems hard being friends, dont let the hardness turn into hard feelings.

2:49 PM  

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