Friday, April 15, 2005

sitemeters up.

i seem to blog more camp nowadays... everyday when i head home, i meet the guys for chilling, gaming. not very healthy, but i think its quite a good thing to have a close group of friends. at any point in time, its something u dont wanna lose. not like its a forever thing, but company's always good. i dont know how much of me they actually know. maybe beneath the laughs there isnt much? i dont know. but i know that having a hearty laugh with someone is reason enough to be friends with him/her. makes life more enjoyable u think? its not escapism btw, just hanging out with the sorta crowd which makes u happier. i think thats it.

slept at 2 and woke at 5. probably could use some nap later...damn.

got lotsa stuff in the head when im idling and thinking.
need to draw from those now.

oh did i mention earlier? may 8 is my last day in camp. pink is such a wonderful colour i must reiterate.=]

i wanna make more friends. new ones of course. boys girls gays aquas. bring em on... there's alot more interesting characters to know out there. the nutcases and the quirks.
maybe NUS will help, but my character lately hasnt been conducive for social work.
for the record, im dreading going to NUS. it reminds me too much of the "anus"
im sorry.

okay..week's ending. for all those who read the blog and know me. please drop me messages or smses. wheres the love? this site hits shouldnt be all random surfers right???. ha. hopefully not. even so the random people can also tag or sth. damn. im probably the only person who logs on to his blog ten times dailies hoping for updates.


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