electric dreams
my coms stopped working. after doing some tests, i deduce the power supply is shorted. at the moment i have no $$ fo pay for someone to fix it. so im using the laptop now. msn version 4.7 if u know what that is..
went to meet up with shaun for dinner at SMU. got to know anna and siqin. ian are u reading this? lol. saw quite a few old friends. fulong, jieying, charles boo yea i think. then zg and this friend GG picked us up and the 4 of us proceeded to play dota. haha. my account got deleted cos i havent logged on for more than 3months. so, i proceeded to get my ass raped cos i really lost touch. for those who do play, i hexed a creep.
GG left and shaun and zg's classmate from ac who we met at cine joined us for supper at geylang till 2am. beef kway tiao and you tiao. yumy foods.
anyway for those who hang around me, i've decided not to use the word nigger again.
yea i use it freely sometimes in my speech. reason is cos when i was talking to shaun's friend during the ride home, he mentioned how derogatory it is and really shouldnt exist in modern context. not that i really dont already know that, cos i always figured since theres no black people around i guess it should be okay. its just a term freely used like 'fuck' or 'bastard' right?
but what i did learn yday, cos he had more experience with hanging around and schooling with people overseas was that, whether or not there are blacks around, the term was invented in a derogatory manner and i should not propagate this sorta stuff.
quite obvious right? now i feel quite bad for using it so much. someone punch me if i use it and not correct myself. give me a week and i'd wipe that word outta my mouth im sure.
tennis soon, mambo tonight.
last one before it closes.
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