Sunday, June 17, 2007

ai xiang yi zhen feng.


new everything!

had a nice week.
i'll try to rank everything in terms of awesome ness ok?
lets go.

1. dad said i have the choice to take honours or dbl major.
2. dad said he might stay in shanghai and help me get an attachment with sewon.
3. berns party last night was awesome lah. so many people.
4. dota.
5. having a slack week at work though im dreading tmr.
6. almost completion of selling my boat.

like a groupee.
haha i had to try not to bounce whilst typing the first two points.


on another note.
remember this book i keep harping on.
i like to give my own inputs on it lah. so even if u think u know all about THE GAME.
its still not a total waste.

so, mr neil claims that in the push-pull world of dating,
these a technique called the freezeout.
you basically dont talk to a girl.
dont sms dont call dont even look into her face.
and wait for her to respond first.

freezing out is fun shit.
cos you half expect her not give a damn either.
and its cool.
cos when people freeze you out, they dont really want you back either.


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