Sunday, December 31, 2006


okay short post, its early. like 6am.

highlight of the day was winning one round of 5 player high society.

but seriously.
all i need in this life you see, is me and my girlfriend.

drogba cant save you. but terry might. hurhur
i know im lame.
but i dont care. woohoo.
early morning high!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

i really enjoy blogging.


cai:"hey ian this is jill, jill, this is ian"

ian:"you're the jill who always goes to cai's blog?"


and there we go.
some little uses of having a blog.
thank you blog. you're like a friend to me.

Monday, December 18, 2006

big boys dont cry

well well.

isnt it interesting.
tear ducts flowing.

when the team got back yesterday at changi airport.
i was the only one who cried.
and mind you there was shit loads of people there.
rather embarrassing. but crying really shouldnt be an embarassing event.
seng leong did cry along with me. but i think he's done his fair share of it in the past few weeks

just so proud for them.
and to see exactly how proud,

u can buy the zaobao 18/12 todays edition to see for yourself.
i havent seen it yet myself. but i guess i wanna hide my face for a few days if u dont mind.

"cai's crying look cai's crying"
ahh fuck lah.
i know im crying you dont have to tell me. lol

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

im damn happy

maxi gold. unexpected
colin gold. by a huge margin. expected.

sengleong 4th going into the last race. i cant even think. i cant expect. i shut out everything and just pray. 1st in race 12. silver medal. expected. but helluva unlikely given the scenario.
reminds me of how he was 3rd going into the last race of the training camp. they way he sailed was fearless. somewhat foolhardy. he won that race. and beat me to the silver. now he did it again in less than 2 months. u deserve it man. i know that im not the best sailor i can be. but looking back. losing to some of them, and getting my heart broken, isnt all that bad cos its a fine bunch of sailors and people. i have no shame now. saying im probably not as good as them now. cos theres no shame. so guys. now u have it. why cai trained so hard. and never made it to doha in a laser. its cos of these 3 fine men. theres much underlying reasons and sacrifice involved along the way. but after they are bringing home $625,000, do u think anyone gives a flying?.
haha im so proud man. the macdonalds man, the rapist and the 13yao zi mo the motorcycle accident man. along the way. i hope i gave u guys hell. the kinda hell which pulled u through the last few days.

on another note. not going was not all lost for me. happiness comes in all shapes and forms.
so i say, one door closes, another must open.
cheers guys. 1.40 sunday. be there cos we're bringing home 4 gold medals with potential for another. and guess what people, we're singaporeans born and raised.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

doha 2006

sun bei bei, taufik hidayat.
u guys are my non-sailing heroes of the asian games.

guys, pls tune in to the sailors performances in doha.
apparently they r raping. colin the rapist, as opposed to the machine, is 7 points clear.
sarah has won every single race. godlike.


gris in a shot for gold.

zhen with a shot for gold after owning the first few races.
come on guys.

Monday, December 04, 2006


hey people.

its one day before my last paper.
and since its shit being hard working.
im not gonna give two squat about this exam.
havent touched my books since econs.
last min work will see me thru.

yday sentosa and dota was fun with the guys.
frisbee is seriously an awesome sport.
my forehand could use some work i think.

and in general lifes good.
meeting beng tmr.
all the best to me.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

belli special paper 2001


fuck me then.

laffers curve,
consumption subsidy and,
solow residue.
toh mun heng. u win already.
midterm like that, final term also like that.
my econs aint shit and i know it.
but your department has a way to make me feel like that.

Friday, December 01, 2006


im delirious.

well some exam updates obviously. doesnt nothing more pertinent now.

1. forgot to answer one question in my PS exam. nvm heng i S/Ued it. wont fail. confirm.

2. econs is like. woo. kelly just told me her friend was crying cos they both know jackshit.

3. alicia and meiyi are trying their very bestest and i wish them all the best.

4. the walking econs god erwin teo hsien wei is SO good. people in the lib are calling him god.
and he's actually calling himself god. cos he's so sick of refuting the claims.

5. he is that good. omg. its beyond my abilities i admit.

6. since econs is so pervasive and all-encompassing. im gonna do a revision here.
if any of it comes out tmr morn, i'll let u know. maybe i'll get more hits in future during the
exam phase.

ISLM short run. calc eqm o/p
ADAS medium run. explain how flex prices lead to full employment.
okuns law and phillips curve. definitions.
open economy. mundell-fleming model. BP curve gymnastics.
trade balance and output targets.
trade advantages PPC and comparative advantages.
growth models NC, cobbs douglas pdn f(x), harrod domar model.
golden rule, savings rate and output level/growth.
methods for stimulating growth, investment, tax credit, education rnd etc.

okay if anything else comes out. fuck me.

Location: Singapore

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