Wednesday, October 29, 2008

fluff friends.

i remember the old damage post i wrote.
tehteh loved it.

another problem with taking damage.
is that you have a very one-minded view
you're so sure everyone is like that.

all guys just want good looks and good sex
girls are all money grubbing machines.

thats a very lazy, shortsighted way of looking at it.
come on. tell me what i really want.
and im yours forever.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


yes this. yes that.
this happened. that occurred.
blah blah blah

had so many things to think about, blog about. speak about.

and the light came through. and it became very clear.
thank you. thank you.

sue. and seng.

happy birthday seng.
for helping me see further.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

october 22

this day was summarised by collecting surveys in SMU.

would like to thank all those who filled it up for me.
(feel bad cos it was a long survey)

and also the guys who helped me ask friends to chip in.

THANKS. we love SMU.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

an observation

after i cut my hair.
opting for a more boyish look,

i just feel people listen to me less.

Friday, October 17, 2008

oct 17 2008

24 years 9 days.
2 months before a graduate from uni.
i drove to school.

note to self.
u'll never trust your kids.
but if it takes more than an hour to get to school, trust them anyway.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

i missed blogging about the pertinent things right now.

6-4(from 2-4 down)
6-0 in two hours.

the only reason why we played 4 sets was cos the sets were taking half an hour tops.
and tennis. can be a great boost.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i think i'll wait for all my friends to get married.

then, they'd have no time for me.

and i'll find someone too.

because with friends like those i have.
u really dont need another half.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

just another excuse. from me.

翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若現
去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜

看著妳哭泣的臉, 對著我說再見
來不及聽見 妳已走得很遠
也許妳已經放棄我 也許已經很難回頭
我知道是自己錯過 請再給我一個理由說妳不愛我

就算是我不懂 能不能原諒我
我知道堅持要走 是妳受傷的藉口
請妳回頭 我會陪妳一直走到最後

就算沒有結果 我也能夠承受
我知道妳的痛 是我給的承諾
妳說給過我縱容 沉默是因為包容
如果要走 請妳記得我 如果難過 請妳忘了我

Saturday, October 11, 2008


happy birthdayy to me.

thanks to all who wished me and remembered.

Friday, October 03, 2008


life is only worth doing if you exceed your own expectation.

if u wanna do sales.
if u like advertising.
if u wanna market something.

sell ice to an eskimo.

Location: Singapore

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