Friday, February 20, 2009


i dont have a girlfriend.
i dont have any potential targets.

i'm 25 employed single and available.

"oh you starting work on monday? ahh so how got girlfriend already not?"
i hate to disappoint. but people. if i say im not seeing anyone. im not.

hopefully less people ask me this question after this. ask me again. u're 5 years early.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


seems like the scars have formed.
the threads have been peeled away. and this heart is whole again.
this time filled with more needle holes. but at least the bleedings has stopped.
and maybe. life can go on. cos my lifes come to a standstill for too long.

since nov last year. i havent moved forward.
come monday. we'll go. guns blazing.
using the scars as a timely reminder when needed. that the perfect life is inherently imperfect and those who seek the best for them and the people around them. often miss out.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

chinese new year is over.

hongkong is over. thanks to calvinlo. cheris. johnny. jacky, tom, uncle julian and auntie doris.

bangkok is done. thanks to auntie judy and uncle chak. uncle beelock and auntie siangwen. mom.

sebana this weekend then its off to work.

its Linde. pronounced Lindy. not Lindt, the chocolate company.
its german. and in the gas industry. go google it cos its hard to explain unlike telling the world i work for lehman or AIG.
the office is at taka tower A so pls visit for lunch or anything.

current lunch buddies(0)

Friday, February 13, 2009

i would take care of you for the rest of your life in a blink of an eye.

but it kills me to show you that i will or i can.
and so u'll never know.
i'll end up with someone less deserving.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

zou me si, yong sum zou.

i was telling johnny over japanese food yesterday in mongkok, that he need not worry if his past decisions were bad. because very often, there is no right or wrong.

and i further expounded on that because no matter what you do, do it with heart.
and you wont be preoccupied with it being right or wrong.

because, for all the right decisions you make, you'll never have the peace of mind, knowing you gave your heart into doing that particular task. however grand or menial it may be.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

i pressed pause on my dreams

my life if seen through the right eyes is a solid drama serial.

i'll be in hongkong the coming weekend,
bangkok the following weekend,
and sebana cove the last weekend.

before i begin work. wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

空秋千 - 林宇中





Monday, February 02, 2009


i've always had a pretty difficult but alright relationship with my dad.
seldom or i'd venture to say Never had heart to heart talks with him.

but one day a few years ago i asked him. how does it feel like to be 50 plus and full of experience and life.

and he said alot of thinking goes on. because of the experiences he's had. everytime you go somewhere u remember something. some person. some feeling u had then.
and i nodded politely.

today, i realised how it feels.
and i hope it doesnt consume me.


we completed death toll(arguably the toughest map) on Left 4 Dead.

with zg.

at times it felt like I Might As Well B Dead,
but since we completed it, i retract my old statement.

playing with Zg is now.
How Come 4 Not Dead.

Location: Singapore

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