Sunday, February 28, 2010


golly golly gosh!

im travelling for work, and a childhood dream of mine has been realised. even if its just training.
tmr i will start. and all the best to me. luckily im not in timbuk2.

foods cheap and good. and the people, e.g. cab drivers have been absolutely nice men! just talk to them and it was all me advice and all.

so anyway, if they ever ask you, what do you call a malay boy with blurry vision,

you say astigmat.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

not trying to be exclusive here.

but humans are a real disgusting bunch.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

chinese new year

not feeling particularly wordy or eloquent.

1. my uncles are feuding so reunion dinner was a farce. only 2nd uncle came.
3rd and 4th uncle probably having their own reunion.

2. im the only person who sleeps in aircon set at 29 deg. that to me is cool. anything below 26 is cold. and i dont like cold.

happy festive season folks. love you all.

Location: Singapore

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