Saturday, April 28, 2012

See ya later, Hyperventilator.

I need a break from tennis.

Friday, April 27, 2012

What say you we change the title of this blog to,
I always leave.?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Hardest thing

as kids, we used to be young and impressionable. This is seen as somewhat a weakness and I agree.

in exchange for gullible, poor judgement, we grow up into adults with a point of view. Operate in our own context, make choices and influence our environment with them.

Point being, the hardest thing. And I say with a strong dose of conviction, is to change an opinion.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Last night

I did not go partying. Uncle Francis passed away from liver cancer and I wouldve not been able to take any alcohol anyway, to commemorate him.

I did not go out with my attached friend. thats my 2012 resolution. friend ok. attached, not ok.

and today i wake up feeling out of sorts. am i ill? am i injured? god this life is a weird one.

Location: Singapore

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