Sunday, October 31, 2004


another week starts oh god.

help me.
i'll pray tonight for sure.

no sight or sound of ms teo ling yu for the whole weekend.
how odd. maybe if she stumbles upon these pixels i'll get a holler.

lets talk about good things.=]

no use bitching or whining.

tell you something i care alot about.

the fact that i won 2 sets off vivek today. 6-2 and 6-4.
waking up at nine thirty was worth it. thats means he hasnt won a single set off me yet.
even tho he's like 6 feet and pounds the balls like ping pong.
yummy breakfast was waffles and maple syrup from canada thanks to shulin.
the bottle's empty =p
bought something for nobody yday.
from aldo city hall.

things can be better if i just shut them out.
how contrived.


from a song.

Living Just for Dying, Dying Just for You.

somehow after looking at it it resonates in my head.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

shovelling the snow.

hey...its been awhile okay.
hmm..i watched an R(A) show for the first time....amazing huh.
i didnt even know till after the show cos i was late for the movie. thanks jh and lau. the show was barely a movie. but a great picture.
if u know what i was OLD BOY.

my stint as course commander is over cos my boss will be back on monday. guess what?! FINALLY!. haha. gave 15 corporals and 2 officers confinement and another two corporals got extra duty. feels shiok. some guys called me at 7 in the morning to ask for help. im like fuckoff. go to the right person. not everything is settled by me already. next year's gonna be torrid cos of the 2 month reduction. everythings changing so i'm gonna be full of stuff from now on. i cant wait for my ORD mood to kick in. jason's such a fucking bastard i swear i could just tell him that in his face. thanks don for being a dear, its good to know im not alone in the office.

my character is such. i cant change these little things. why'm i so soft when it comes to the crunch?. is it because i cant be bothered. what the hell, i get pushed around by my men. amazing but true. probably cos i used to be such an ass in the past i cant bring myself to go back. but im so much of a hey everybody lets just have a good time guy rather than a hey lets get the job done guy. is that an inherant flaw?.

i look back on this year earnestly. i've gone through alot, experienced alot and realised that most of them came partly because of the suffering. i did JCC early this year man. it seems like such a long time already.
okay thats my premature reflection of 2004. wheres 2005 dammit. travelling, flying, driving and maybe school. here i come.

new realization. im so good at coming up with theories and the root of the problem, i find that i still cant solve the problem. HOW USELESS IS THAT?!!?!. its like knowing your fucked up and not being able to do anything about it!!!!


so many things to blog about my heads cramping. wait out fellas.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

sorry just found this pic whilst surfing through recently and would like to share the OCS days with you peeps. its not porno. Posted by Hello

haha how the hell'd i miss this one.

Problems worthy
of attack
prove their worth
by hitting back.

i wanna go sailing again. somebody make me go and dont stop.

thanks jh- nelly: my place
has the makings of a great one time nice song which will last for slightly longer than 4 days.

I ain't pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call again
See how ya day going I know they stressin on ya
I know them times get hard that's why I'm checkin on ya
It's yours truly ma, I got little message for ya

somebody who understands me? scary.

i wanna go sailing again. somebody make me go and dont stop.

thanks jh- nelly: my place
has the makings of a great one time nice song which will last for slightly longer than 4 days.

I ain't pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call again
See how ya day going I know they stressin on ya
I know them times get hard that's why I'm checkin on ya
It's yours truly ma, I got little message for ya

somebody who understands me?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

pliars on my table

We've moved into the postm.odernist writings of B.eckett, S.park, Stop.pard. B.eckett turns one's brain into a bag of nails and sawdust. What's he describing? Reading him is like taking one step forward and two steps back. Where is the protagonist in the narrative? He has disappeared! We have been sucked into one of his thought streams again. Get me out, get me out! Unscramble my head. Untangle the words. Shut up. Stop messin' with my mind. That's a glimpse pf postm.odernism for you. A feckin' world of the persecuted schizophrenics and ardent masturbators.

-quote from friends blog.

i dont read very much of these people. but somehow i connected with those lines.

i love travel programmes.=]

Thursday, October 21, 2004

karma chameleon

the swine! they stuff me with 76 people.

respect! thats what i get.

passion! something which got rekindled today.

rhythm! got got.

why do guys like to chase after a soccer ball?.
why do i get scraped knees just cos the bladder was trickling painfully towards my netted space?.
why do i risk being on crutches for another 3 months?.

they call it stupidity.
i cant disagree.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


feel like a piece of driftwood.

i feel like im hitting the ball wrong, again and again, till my wrists hurts.
i know sooner or later i'd get my game back, but each time it seems so long.

i wish i could be there. faultless and serene in confidence.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

new emotions

today i got worried.
not exam worried, but worried.

and there's no shame.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

random photo of the males in my paternal side. try matching the son with the dad. Posted by Hello

songs to make you bite your lower lip with

this time its R kelly

hotel, gigolo and the remix to ignition.

or a lil bit by too phat and warren G.

R and B..=]...for me.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


okay this really hurts. my head that is. first time im getting this but its really splitting.
shall go see the doc tmr.
almost fainted in the airport today whilst sending shaun off.
body's weak and crickety. this feeling fucks me up.
but somehow i like it.

oh btw, i love things which fuck me up.
like playing the guitar with your left hand or kicking a ball with your left leg.

staring at my panadol.
no aircon today. the cold rips my skin apart.
i need a warm shower.
i love warm showers uknow.

im bored. at home and sick with no one to talk to.
shaun's flying to australia.
jianhong is meeting lau in town.
ian is sian too but two cant play lan.
greg's with jieying.
lingyu's in london for convocation.

am i gonna miss my aop on monday?.
spend the whole week prepping for that.
is this splitting head gonna recur?
im thinking tumour.

hopefully it gets better tmr.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

77th street

no mambo no energy no life. all i've got in me is some hope.
somehow that makes me better. puts the spring in my step again today.
i used to think this is jaded. but no, im still the epitome of boy.
im even more retarded and silly than before cos now i dont care so much.
ask lau jianny and victor. zhao sia king.

new course coming up has exceeded capacity by 12.
we cant do it.
do will make us do it.
try stuffing a human with a crocodile.

have a good trip.
use the time off.
maybe because TTT.
twenty ticking timers.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

canoodling canoes

ktv rocks..smelly people on mrts dont..zhang xin video is super freaky....aops suck. mambo better be good.....oh god help me.
i need to learn to post better.
-gasps for air-



to the sun above the clouds.

Sun that givest all things birth,
shine on everything on earth!

If that's too much to demand,
shine at least on this our land.

If even that's too much for thee,
shine at any rate on me.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


so many i's. why?. cos its all about me now. thats why.


please stay away from me for your own safety.

this is whats in my head.

all my friends think we're TOO close.

all my female friends think i like them even though i have a girlfriend.
and my friends perpetuate them.

nobody really KNOWS me.

or maybe i dont belong on earth.

i need some cuttlefish.

i need to go back to camp.

i need a flight to manchester.

i hate manchester united.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

9th october

honestly im tired of the way i am.
i really am.
however im like that.
and i cant change that overnight.
nor do i feel compelled to change that because of the people around me.
i get no acknowledgement.
and im pretty sure if these people had to live with a certain weiguo who had traits similar to themelves, there'd be a lot less smiles around.
i ALWAYS get the problems.
i tend to prefer giving solutions.
can someone give me the solutions for once.
you're not convincing.
you're inconsistent.
and im just there for show.
just because i dont take myself seriously doesnt mean you can.

and if u see this, this isnt directed to you because its directed to those who know i have a blog but dont even bother anyways. because honestly, they dont take me seriously.

i rant today.
i feel better.
i wont forget.

Friday, October 08, 2004


how apt. i had to go to laguna country club for lunch and jeans were out!. so i digged up a pair of dirty green trousers from my cupboard, and tho it was abit stiff o the waist..i liked it.!. haha its telling when you sstart getting outta your old clothes when you turn twenty. and actually embrace it..oo..its definitely a sign. thanks aunt maureen for lunch today, my guts gonna burst from dimsum, and thanks to all the people who bothered to wish me cos thats the best part about birthdays. knowing who remembers. minus jessica tho..cos she shares the same day as me..haha.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

on the best bed i got inspired

the way u feel out of place at times.
the difference u notice between yourself and the rest of the crowd
the crazy thoughts and actions.

thats your unique selling proposition baby.
not like a product, but like a real good choice made.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

our dear jianhong.=] Posted by Hello

create edit posts status

what an interesting little stuff happened i feel whatever did happen was such a big deal.<--- is this comprehendable?.
kinda bummed around alot of office with writings and stuff and sleeping too.
reflection of the week is that i usually sleep from 1230 to 0530 everyday.
which is unhealthy. right. shall note that down.

my boss is on cst (the one the commandos drowned the guardsman to death) in australia so he'll be away for the next month or so. btw. phrase of the week is i'll kill you till you die.
right now im the new boss then...hahaha acting course commander they say. get to do my boss job with the same pay....haha..but its the challenge i need. timely indeed. AAR, AOP here i come.

thanks jh for visiting me on the boring friday morning for breakfast together. least your busy schedule hasnt had the better of you..yet!. what i said to you was so true. the sudden realisation that my life really isnt as engaging or challenging as its hoped to be. some things in my life are doing just fine. but some intangible aspects have been neglected. and i must work these out with compromise as the keyword. such thing include LEARNING. something useful and im interested in. rather than get caught in this rut. and not those mambo moves for crying out loud!

lastly, i must stress the 5 day work week is such a good thing. i feel like then weekend's a real break instead of a rush. monday i'll be recharged..and the weekend gives me rest and relax, and enjoyment.
speaking of enjoyment, last night mambo was indeed good. no need for too many drinks. the resident phuture dj rocks. and so do my friends. breakdance competition anyone??


There is the story of baby Krishna, wrongly accused by his friends of eating a bit of dirt. His foster mother, Yashoda, comes up to him with a wagging finger. "You shouldn't eat dirt, you naughty boy," she scolds him. "But I haven't," says the unchallenged lord of all and everything, in sport disguised as a frightened human child. "Tut! Tut! Open your mouth," orders Yashoda. Krishna does as he is told. He opens his mouth. Yashoda gasps. She sees in Krishna's mouth the whole complete entire timeless universe, all the stars and planets of space and the distance between them, all the lands and seas of the earth and the life in them; she sees all the days of yesterday and all the days of tomorrow; she sees all ideas and all emotions, all pity and all hope, and the three strands of matter; not a pebble, candle, creature, village or galaxy is missing, including herself and every bit of dirt in its truthful place. "My Lord, you can close your mouth," she says reverently.

There is the story of Vishnu incarnated as Vamana the dwarf. He asks of demon king Bali only as much land as he can cover in three strides. Bali laughs at this runt of a suitor and his puny request. He consents. Immediately Vishnu takes on his full cosmic size. With one stride he covers the earth, with the second the heavens, and with the third he boots Bali into the netherworld.

Location: Singapore

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