Sunday, April 29, 2007


i was chatting with siqing.
then this thought popped into my head.
cos she asked me to settle down.

cai: v hard lah
cai: i never take that module before, dunno how to do.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

here's my heart, please mash into hamburger and grind

been wanting to post this for awhile now.
exams finish. and its 6am. after this, i will see the sunrise.
so i might as well

i'm pretty sure there's a number of you who read this blog, albeit semi dilligently, and in a no comments non tagging way which is very charming.

so this post is for all of you, who know me in varying degrees.
to probably get to know your blogger a little bit better.
there will be no holds barred. and u may use this against me in future,
or judge me. as i said. here's my heart.

i'm 23 this year and i feel that i've reached a new phase in my life. i'm new!
different, and much more firm.

i dont look it, but i sure as hell know what i want and what i dont want.

i'm happy with how i live my life, make my decisions, and approach conflict and face awkward situations.

i'm a very vibey person. i intend to give u good vibes, and i judge you based on what vibes u give me. sorry, u cant hide from those vibes emanting from your core. its worked well for me so far.

academically, i'm good enough. for myself.

musically, i wish i was.

physically, i'm happy with what God's given me. if you call daddy and mommy, God.
which leads to the next point.

i'm not very religious. i'm clueless. and rightly so cos i've tried and "failed". why "failed"? cos religious people say i have.

i'm a kantang(english-based) person. but i love singing in chinese. and proud to be bilingual. sorry if its weird.
this semester i learnt that my presentations are good in class. hope that pans well for me in my future job.

i'm not neat, tidy nor organised. i operate in a way which only i understand. whih worries me cos i might have to live with someone in future. jinx, my room hasnt been cleaned since u came. dont dare to invite you.

i'm a sociable person. i get along with everyone except misfits. cos misfits give off bad vibes.

i can be very mean. stems from the fact that i know how i stand with you. words to me are merely for show. to make people laugh. and to mess with their heads. the underlying truth is observed in tone, language and body movements.

food is wasted on me. i can eat forever. and ever. and u get my point.

i enjoy females attention. nothing new? i'm just the first to admit it.

sports-wise, i'm pretty much good. ball sense is there. run jump swim cycle all can. for the newer friends, i was a national sailor till late. play a decent game of soccer. and enjoy tennis cos i know i can be better. dont call me for bball or hockey or cricket. cricket is the animal which makes noise at night. i almost forgot frisbee.

i'm in the midst of refurbishing my wardrobe.

my back kinda aches.

sengleong and greg and mark ianb are probably my best friends at this point in time.

i should seriously smoke less.

i dont really care what people think of me. i'm not trying to act cool. i really dont care. i'm cai. hi. thats all there is to it. u think i'm hot, thanks. u think i'm not? can also. wanna supper?

i wanna get a pair of aviators but can find any.

i tend to think that i'm leading a perfect life. and the imperfections are tests to see how a perfect life would ride those bumps.

i said amen once after praying at the temple. my communication skills has improved since.

i'm a pretty decent boyfriend, althought i dont think the applicable people would totally agree. i can be. i just havent gone about "being".

i'm proud of this blog.

my family is the source of my happiness and jadedness

some body messed me up once before. very embarrasing. an online encounter of the wrong kind. never viewed girls the same since. its hard for me to really see them as total angels even if i try. and i know they are.

details? somebody took another identity and talked to me. and it was convincing i actually played along. rather, "got played". i wish she didnt do that to me. i didnt deserve it.

i'm talking to tehteh now

i'd love to meet more people.

i have well-documented doubts about my ability to settle down.

i have to sleep. if u wanna know more. a simple request would do.

wait. sue ann gave me krispy kreme. i dont think thanks suffices. but considering that i've been thinking about it non-stop. u should get it right?

shanghai in 3 days. lets roll out.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

i told u i wasnt a nice guy

Saturday, April 21, 2007

with friends

like rachel<------ my nus life

really brightens up.

where's your partner in crime.

fion g

Friday, April 20, 2007

i want to say thank you

mom. for being there

greg. for a call and a chat.

dinah. for nuggets and a phone call.

cheryl. for a phone call

ywee tat. for a phone call.

sue ann. for being good company and lunch.
(she wasnt lunch, we just ate together)

isaac and yuping. for studying together.

catherine. for being damn supportive of me. i know it without her saying a word

one down three to go. let's go.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

they cant take that away from me

exam update

dont say i study study ignore all.

been listening to rod stewart

studying with isaac, amandaq, terence, doranne fiona ben bryan.
its been okay so far.
need to do more work still
and recover from my runaway nose.

love alot of people.
like claire and mark and amandal who always damn love ask me to study hard.
greg shaun ian jh who go enjoy themselves dont jio me.
mom who cooks.
and those abovementionedd studymates.

25th mambo. lets go.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


my mom is back home.
omg omg omg

Friday, April 13, 2007


An American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Jamaican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Jamaican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Jamaican replied only a little while.The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Jamaican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.

The American then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time?The Jamaican fisherman said, "Me sleep late, fish a likkle, play wid me pickney, mek love wid me wife, tek a stroll ina de village each evening where me drink rum and play domino wid me bredren. Me have a full and busy life, sah."

The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats and instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move toKingston, then LA and eventually New York City where you will run your expanding enterprise."

The Jamaican fisherman asked, "But sah, how long will all dis tek?"The American replied, "15-20 years."

"Den wha' next me a' do, sah?"The American laughed, smiled, and said "that's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions."

"Millions, sah? Den wha'?" asked the Jamaican.

This made the American pause........ then he humbly replied...................."Then you would retire, move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, make love with your wife, take walks into the village in the evenings where you could drink rum and play dominoes with your friends....................................

morale of the story?? harvard mba teaches u two things.
capitalism, ......and humility.


markseow and amandalin.

i love u guys.

tt day when i traveled all the frigging way to jln bahar. it was shit.
you guys made it better.
yesterday when i was sick and alone and in need of love, u guys made me feel so much better. lovelove to my NTU SWEETYPIES!

hurhur. mushy sia.

really, thanks. i cant do without you two.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


thanks one and all.

in my time of need.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

for guys only

female friends, who ask u to fulfil their needs,
are friends, indeed!

can someone tell me why i think of lame shit like this all the time?

a JOKE. PLS. nothing else.

i think girls will wanna marry me.

i cock up everything but last min i get the job done.
always, all the time.
so it looks like i dont do jackshit, which is true
but eventually it always turns out fine.

i gotta presentation at 1. meeting at 12
just got a pair of jeans and shoes from albert.
its 1117.

i was like

he was like

and i had this major temptation to say
"okay hope i dont cum in my pants"

sorry people. im like that. shit.
haha. fuck. LOL. damn schizo today

Monday, April 09, 2007


any other loser hasnt watched 300?


im just trying to chill at cafe del mar.

this buddy

always give me bad influences

girls girls girls girls

mark trying to multitask as usual

poking my ear and boob grab at the same time!


i think this pic sums up our youth

some pretty pixels

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Herds of cows — and different types thereof
SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour.

COMMUNISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk.

FASCISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk.

NAZISM/DICTATORSHIP: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you.

BUREAUCRACY: You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, then throws the milk away.

TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the

SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take
harmonica lessons.

AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to
analyse why the cow has dropped dead.

ENRON VENTURE CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to
your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your
brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an
associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax
exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via
an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority
shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed
company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option
on one more. Sell one cow to buy a new President of the United States ,
leaving you with nine cows. No balance sheet provided with the release. The
public buys your bull.

THE ANDERSEN MODEL: You have two cows. You shred them.

A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike, organise a
riot, and block the roads, because you want three cows.

A JAPANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You
then create a clever cow cartoon image called ‘ cowkimon ‘ and market it

A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.

AN ITALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows, but you don’t know where they are. You decide to have lunch.

A RUSSIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count
them again and learn you have 2 cows. You stop counting cows and open
another bottle of vodka.

A SWISS CORPORATION: You have 5000 cows. None of them belong to you. You charge the owners for storing them.

A CHINESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking
them. You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity,
and arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.

AN INDIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You worship them.

A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both are mad.

AN IRAQI CORPORATION: Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No-one believes you, so they bomb the **** out of you
and invade your country. You still have no cows, but at least now you are
part of a Democracy….

AN AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.

THE SINGAPOREAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. Govt tax the living hell out of you. If that isnt bad enough. Your two cows always cowpehcowmoo.

smoked from with some minor additions.

vision of the world

i wonder if having small eyes affects my perceptions.

on another thought, i wonder if people realise.
that they're not just people.
because to those they know. they're the means thru which the world is perceived.
so perhaps, to some, you are the world personified.

Friday, April 06, 2007

i feel like this. right now. thank you.

搁浅 - Stranded

久未放晴的天空 依舊留著你的笑容
The sky which has long not been sunny still keeps your smile as before

哭過 卻無法掩埋歉疚
Have cried, but been unable to bury [my] guilt

風箏在陰天擱淺 想念還在等待救援
The kite stranded in the gloomy sky, [my] longing is still awaiting to be rescued

我拉著線 複習你給的溫柔
I'm pulling the kite string and reviewing the tenderness you gave

The loneliness that has been isolated on the side

Laughing at the promises that I can't afford to give

怎麼會怎麼會 你竟原諒了我
How come, how come, you've actually forgiven me

我只能永遠讀著對白 讀著我給你的傷害
I can only forever read the dialogue, reading the pain that I've given you

我原諒不了我 就請你當作我已不在
I cannot forgive myself, so please treat as if I'm not here anymore

我睜開雙眼看著空白 忘記你對我的期待
I looked on blankly with eyes wide open, [trying] to forget the expectations you had of me

讀完了依賴 我很快就離開
After finish reading [my] dependence [on you], I'll leave very soon

Thursday, April 05, 2007


dear God,

biz comm is gone man.
somehow e screwed it up.
i feel sorry for my group mates and myself.
hrm was average.
how am i supposed to improve on last sem's cap?

help. yourself.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

first time posting a youtube video. enjoy

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

our temporary existence

perhaps life is life.
and society affects our view of what life is.

"an enemy hero has fallen"
is what u'd hear when in the game.
a societal tool which dims our perceptions of death.

i know im getting older, people around me have fallen.
and they will continue to fall around me.
when people my age fall, it gets a lil worrying.

i guess things happen for a reason.
so amidst the fun and games.
amidst the need to win and achieve.
lets not forget that Maslows needs hierachy begins with basic needs first before self-actualization.
because it would be a pity, if in the pursuit of self-actualization, we forget our basic needs. not food water or shelter.

but rather morals, values and friendship.

as i hear about queks loss, i remember my friend seng.
and i see two different people, but with the same year of birth.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


happy birthday shaun.

soccer atthecage was great. too bad ian and tehteh pangseh.

i slept till 8 at woke up with the mother of all headaches

did i forget.
i havent been punked in ages.
and i dumbass thing to be punked on april fools day.

how it happened:
i was intoxicated.
it was 5am.
i dont know her extremely well yet.
it was one helluva gutwrenching story i could relate too cos i had to experience it last sem.
i was watching naruto shippuden 6-7 at the same time.

still. omgwtf. got punked.
owdree tei. u good.
u dont even know my blog. but nvm
u good.

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